When I first read Andrew Bolt's vicious personal attack on ALP Federal Minister Kate Ellis on his bog following her recent appearance in Grazia magazine, I imagined it must have been jealousy on his part. Heck, if Alexander Downer can wear 8 inch stilettos, why can't Bolt?
But I never expected such a bitchy headline ...
Thick head flaunts thin body ...
... and then makes this extraordinary remark in his blogpost ...
I know Kate Ellis didn’t get her job thanks to her brains ...
So how did she get her job, Andrew? Methinks MP's tend to get their jobs by convincing the electorate to vote for them. Is Andrew Bolt prepared to suggest in writing how Ellis got her job? Or is he afraid of getting another tap on the shoulder from his in-house lawyers?
Perhaps Bolt's problem is that most female politicians don't look more like this ...