Thursday, September 09, 2010

VIDEO: Message from a New York City firefighter ...

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  1. Anonymous7:14 pm

    It didn't happen to you fat shit
    Killing Afghans and Iraqis hasn't been enough. The West will gets it's revenge for the fact that muslims dare exist let alone pester us to slaughter them by making durka durka noises and bleating like sheep. Go silently into the night. We are sick of your screams and it does not deter the West from it's righteous revenge.
    You are so boring. We just want muslims gone so that we can forget about them and go back to our happy lives not even caring that you once existed. The best news is that even if we don't get around to exterminating all of you muslims the Indians and Chinese will. When the cow fuckers and rice eaters are after going at you no doubt you will come begging for sympathy or help. Anyone who has ever been forced to be in the same room as Irfan Yusuf knows that the only answer is extinction of the muslim species of sub-continental subhumans.

  2. The above-mentioned abusive and racist post was left by Douglas Darby, formerly a member of the Young Liberals and then of the Christian Democratic Party.

  3. Anonymous6:29 pm

    Anyway, on a completely different tack ....

    EID MUBARAK for you and yours, Irfan.


    Graham Bell
