Friday, August 07, 2009

REVIEW: Once Were Racists: My Years as a Teenage Blasphemer ...

It's hard not to sympathise with the plight of young Kuranda Seyfi Seyit. The poor fellow failed to secure a seat on Auburn Council, despite expecting to receive the bulk of Turkish voters' support. Making matters worse for himself, Mr Seyit spat the dummy and blamed his loss on a cabal of kebab meat manufacturers and committee members of the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque, accusing the latter of being anti-secular. He even took his allegations to the ABC, and made his own party look ... well ... not exactly Muslim-friendly. Not a great look in a local government area that has the highest concentration of Muslims of any local government area in the country.

The disappointed Council candidate is npw trying his hand at book reviews. Writing in the third edition of his Aussie Mossie newspaper, aptly named in honour of a now-defunct blog of yours trully, Mr Seyit applies his skills in literary criticism to a certain irreverent memoir. His conclusion? That the author is a BLASPHEMER ...

This book [is] by novice writer Irfan Yusuf ... However, after forcing myself to read the book I found it irreverent, blasphemous and racist especially towards Turks and Lebanese ...

(Click here to read the full review on page 16.)

Wow! Ayatollah Seyfi has issued a fatwa against me for blasphemy!! What will happen to me now? Will Seyfi lead a bunch of blokes in a public stoning? It all sounds like something out of Monty Python ...

Still, who am I to complain about a review that is trully out of this world?

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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  1. Anonymous10:45 pm

    This guy accuses you of racism when he announced he was leaving the "Goodness and Kindness" interfaith project in schools because it was too dominated by Jews! And he objected to the presence of a Pakistani girl on the G&K project because he said she belonged to the wrong sect!!

  2. Anonymous7:29 am

    Irfan Yusuf's appearance is a blasphemy, a crime against humanity and an assault on all women. Why are any of these muslims in this country? The ANZACS had the right idea.

  3. Augustus12:13 am

    is your book available in the bargain bins yet?

  4. Is that where your mum can be found, Augustus?

  5. Augustus10:00 pm

    I see the intelligence of your supporters has remained consistent Irf. I make a comment about your work and your supporters make comments about my mother. Typical of the types that lap up your rhetoric.

    Adka, who ties your shoe laces for you?
