Thursday, May 07, 2009

VIDEO: US troops handed out Bibles in both Iraq and Afghanistan ...

What's the big deal with a bit of evangelism? Better a Bible than vicious dogs at your testicles, I say.

Except that handing out Bibles confirms all the stereotypes Arabs and Afghans have of Coalition forces occupying the country just to bring Iraq and Afghanistan into the broader "Christian empire". Taliban propagandists will have an even bigger field day than they are already having with US bombardments on US civilians.

Here is the text accompanying this video:

The highest ranking military officer in the United States says it's not the military's position to ever push any specific form of religion, in response to an exclusive Al Jazeera report that showed a group of US soldiers in Afghanistan in possession of Bibles translated into local languages.

The troops discussed giving the Bibles to Afghans as gifts - despite military directives banning soldiers from spreading religion, as Al Jazeera's James Bays reports.

Words © 2009 Irfan Yusuf

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  1. Augustus9:51 am

    The Bible is such an evil, evil book. How dare these soldiers hand out Bibles? It would be so much more compassionate and peaceloving for them to shoot.

  2. Augustus is right. Ignore the hearts and minds. Hand victory to the Taliban on a platter. Increase the chances of our troops being killed. Most importantly, use the Bible for purposes for which it was never intended.

  3. Augustus4:13 pm

    and what purpose "for which it was never intended" would they be? Evangelism, spreading the word of God, teaching people about Jesus Christ? Never would have considered any of those reasons for issuing Bibles.

    What is actually more likely to hand victory to the Taliban on a silver platter is sentiment like yours that supports a fraudulent government like those currently in power in both The US and Australia who would sooner remove resources from our troops instead of adequately eqipping and supporting them.

    You are not a patriot Irf and any attempt to suggest otherwise is more deceipt on your part.

    But that's all par for the course with you isn't it?

  4. Augustus, are you suggesting that Afghans don't know anything about God or Jesus Christ? Which planet are you living on?

    I am not a patriot because I don't think our troops should be seen as religious crusaders, as Christian Taliban?

    Or is it the case that what you're really trying to say is that I am not a patriot because I don't believe in religious wars while you do.

    Face it, anonymous augustus. Australia is not a theocracy. "Patriots" like you are just scoundrels.

  5. Augustus9:57 pm

    I'm suggesting that Afghans are probably mostly ignorant of the Christian message, but more impoprtantly, despite your obvious attempts to take my comments out of context (a common pratice for you, that the Bible was indded designed as a vehicle of evangelism. The Jews knew about God, yet He still saw fit to inspire the Gospels. I know, God works in mysterious ways.

    As for your comments about why I know you're not a patriot, quite the opposite. I say you're not a patriot because you are subversive and seek to undermine this country at every level. The Afghan war is largely irelevant in that regard.

    It's a bit rich for an Islamic fundamentalist like yourself to pretend that he is not in favour of religious wars. I on the other hand don't believe that such a thing exists, however I do believe in just wars. Perhaps that's a little un-Christian of me, but hey there was only ever one perfect Christian.

    No Australia is not a theocracy nor did I ever suggest that it was. It is however a psephocracy so minority opinions like your are largely irelevant.

    Now before you try your contectual dishonesty again, I'm not suggesting that minorities in general are not entitled to an opinion, just you singularly. I do howver believe that the needs and beliefs of thye many outweigh those of the few.

    As for being anonymous, you know who I am Irf, you diparage me quite often. Just never to my face.

    So who is really the scoundrel, because it's obvious that you are the fraud.

  6. "I'm suggesting that Afghans are probably mostly ignorant of the Christian message ..."

    They were also ignorant of communism, hence the Soviets invaded. Since then, they have been mostly ignorant of what it meand to live in a country free of poverty and war. We're supposed to be fixing that situation up, not evangelising.

    "I say you're not a patriot because you are subversive and seek to undermine this country at every level."

    Pfft. Bloggers are such subversives!

    "It's a bit rich for an Islamic fundamentalist like yourself to pretend that he is not in favour of religious wars."

    Er, in what sense am I a religious fundamentalist? Which religious war do I support?

    "I on the other hand don't believe that such a thing exists"

    So you don't believe that religious wars exist, yet you allege I support religious wars. And then you support evangelising the Bible, a book filled with religious wars, and used to justify the Crusades.

    "I'm not suggesting that minorities in general are not entitled to an opinion, just you singularly."

    Your type don't run this country.

    "As for being anonymous, you know who I am Irf, you diparage me quite often."

    There are many fruitloops I choose to disparage here. Which fruitloop are you? Tell me so that I can do it to your face.
