Tuesday, May 05, 2009

AFGHANISTAN/VIDEO: US troops caught out evangelising among Afghans?

US troops are caught with resources to convert Afghan locals to Christianity. This is a serious development. The video footage below was taken 12 months ago. Who knows how long all this has been happening?

The sensitivity of religion in this part of the world cannot be over-emphasised. This kind of video footage can and no doubt will be used by Taliban propagandists to undermine the Karzai government. This could well threaten the security of our own troops.

The US army has some explaining to do. So does Kevin Rudd.

The text accompanying the video is reproduced below.

US soldiers in Afghanistan have been filmed with local language Bibles and urged to be "witnesses for Jesus" despite anti-proselytising rules. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah this was on the tele last night. Its actually been going on for about the last 10 years in the US army. But because they kept it to just trying to convert Christians people turned a blind eye to it.
