Wednesday, January 30, 2008

EVENT: Film launch ...

Come along and support the students and staff of both these fine Sydney schools.

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Get Flocked


  1. Anonymous1:44 am

    Keep up the good work Yusuf! It looks like your blog has angered a certain deranged Cairns businessman.

    Here's what he had to say about you on Soggy Crackermann's blob.

    "sheik yer'mami replied to Dave
    Thu 24 Jan 08 (07:06pm)

    "loony left ?”

    That’s not the loony left posting there, that’s ‘Yusuf Rubs It!’- Yusuf Irfan’s Muhammedan echo chamber!

    Your chance to get published there is as good as a snowflake in hell!

    Don’t be fooled by the Western names of the posters, they are Muhammed worshiping impostors, Yusuf’s fan club.

    Yusuf is quite a nasty piece of work, but its not that hard to make him ‘come out’- like sheik yer’mami did here:

    We all know that 9/11 was done by the Jooozzz, and 7/7 was done by BLiar, and Madrid was done by the tooth fairy and Moscow by Putin, and Bali by Bush-hitler, and Kashmir and the Philippines by the Buddhists. And Irak and Israel and the Palistanians was all caused by the Jooozzz, and Muslims would never do a thing like that, right Yusuf?

    * I have a problem with that, Yusuf. I do. I don’t think you guys have your act together and you should shape up or ship out. I would like to know what you -yes you- your ‘community’ contributes to the the wellbeing of this country. I would like to see a balance sheet:

    Profit and Loss, Yusuf- do you understand that?

    Because when I think Islam, I don’t get that ‘winning feeling’- Yusuf. Tell me: why is that?

    Believe it or not, Yusuf’s answer to the above on his ‘planet Irfan’ blog consisted of a link where he posted a picture of his feces in the toilet, (yes: he is a nasty piece of work, this Yusuf.) A real Muhammedan agit-prop. but with the right fodder you can make him come out of his cave. Just feed him and he will prove it to you!"

  2. Anonymous7:13 am

    Stay away from the children. Why are you politicising children? Is that the only audience that respects you? Brainwashing children is a sort of child abuse. You shouldn't be allowed near other peoples children and neither should your grubby anti Australian politics.

  3. Anonymous2:21 pm

    Oh cool, according to that deranged thick-sheik, I'm really a Muhammed worshiping impostor and a member of Yusuf’s fan club.

    *roll eyes*

  4. Anonymous1:58 am

    The thick-sheik claims he has been set up for assassination. According to his site:

    "Recently a Cairns businessman saw his business interests, his commercial properties and his residency listed in the Cairns fishwrap as the ‘man behind sheik Yer’mami’- By writing his full name five times and setting him up for assassination by the lunatic fringe of Muhammedan radicals, a reporting ratbag by the name of Gavin King exposed himself as a hateful antisemite"

    I think they should up that clown's medication.

  5. Anonymous4:35 pm

    maybe he's on the same medication as his hero, catholic fascist robert spencer.

  6. Anonymous2:22 am

    Shit for brains would be a good description for anyone that takes Spencer seriously.

    Apparently the shit for brains behind sheik yermami owns a shop in Cairns Airport. It doesn't say a lot for Keelty and the boys if a lunatic of this dimension can own a shop in such a security sensitive location.
